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Italian Honor Society

The Societa Onoraria Italica was founded by the American Association of Teachers of Italian for secondary school students in the United States.This chapter unites high school students nationwide that share a love of Italian language and culture. Through our classroom learning we are not only being taught grammar and vocabulary, but more importantly we learn about the rich history and culture that Italy has to offer.

The 2017-18 members are: Andrew Accardo, Frank Annunziata, Mario Biancamano, Tyler Capriotti, Michael DaBronzo, Giorgio Equizi, Deniz Ersoz, Rocco Faustini, Michael Hernandez, Andrew Kessing, Giovanni LoGrasso, William Maisano, Santino Manganella, Vincent Massa, Niall Moloney, Antonio Petrosino, Andrew Rametta, John Walentowicz, Michael Dua, Michael Serafin

Don Bosco Prep

492 N. Franklin Turnpike
Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-327-8003 Fax: 201-327-3397
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