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"Walking in their shoes"
Seniors in Mrs. Armen and Mr. Darcey's theology classes participated Thursday in a prayer service called the "Privilege Prayer". After a scripture reading, the boys were asked to take a stone representing the things for which they felt privileged: race, gender, family, education, financial stability, health, etc. The boys were then asked to place the stones in their shoes and walk around the statue with them, representing the privileges they had, but the struggles others have. What a great lesson in learning to "walk in others' shoes".

The boys then had an opportunity to reflect on the fact that what is a privilege for them could be a concern for others.  

Don Bosco Prep

492 N. Franklin Turnpike
Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-327-8003 Fax: 201-327-3397
Together We Are Ironmen