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Engineering Design: Mouse Trap Cars

Engineering Design students create mouse trap cars.
Students in the new senior elective course, Engineering Design, completed their second major project: Mouse Trap Cars. It’s difficult to get the cars to work and meet the stated requirements because there are many areas of physics to consider, yet the three groups of students each accomplished this in eight days -- half the estimated average time! 

Engineering Design is a one-semester, project-based course. During the semester, students apply the engineering design process to different areas of engineering technology. This course is particularly suitable to students who are considering an engineering major in college but who have not been participants in the Robotics course sequence. If you are interested in learning more about the course, please contact the Engineering Department Chair, Fr. Lou.

Don Bosco Prep

492 N. Franklin Turnpike
Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-327-8003 Fax: 201-327-3397
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